I’m a fighter: Marie’s Story

By Chaplain Katie Lacey

“Marie” was not impressed during the Sunday service at the jail, and she angrily questioned everything Chaplain Kati said. A few days later, Chaplain Kati was surprised to learn that Marie had signed up for a one-on-one session.

During their one-on-one meeting, Marie was a different person. She eagerly asked questions about the Bible and God. When Chaplain Kati asked about the change in her attitude, Marie explained that she had felt a storm brewing inside her during the Sunday service—a feeling that even the correctional officers had noticed. They had given her paper to express her feelings, and she began her writing with “Dear God…”

On those pages, Marie humbled herself before God. She then decided to read the entire Bible, which she completed in less than three months.

Instead of fighting with her

 family, Marie began to pray about their issues. The more she learned about who Jesus was, the more her heart softened.

“I was such a fighter, and now God is teaching me a new way to live— to be gentle and to trust in His plan,” she said.

Previously, Marie had made thousands of dollars a day selling drugs. After repenting from her old lifestyle, she began sharing the gospel with other inmates and bringing them to church services at the jail. She remarked, “I thought I had it all, but I realize that way of living was worth nothing. I want my life to be for Jesus now.”

During one of Chaplain Kati’s final visits with Marie before her release from jail, Marie drew a picture of the woman who poured perfume on Jesus’ feet. She spoke about how her life was now dedicated to God. With tears like those of the woman who cleansed Jesus’ feet, Marie testified to God’s goodness, saying, “I can’t believe Jesus saved me; I can’t believe that I am free—on the inside.”

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