What a Privilege We Have to See God Work

Gary graduation

By Gary Franz, Vice President of International Ministry

I love traveling to see our leaders and teams in the field. God is at work in powerful ways – He is redeeming lives and demonstrating His power to save people in the world of incarceration. Let me share with you what I recently experienced as I visited Nigeria.

The magnitude of the need.
It hits me every time I visit a prison…the difficult, dark nature of the environment –– high walls with razor wire, bars and gates for doors, multiple manned entrances and walkways, armed, uniformed officers, security scans and checks – all signs of the loss of freedom.

But in Africa, the physical environment is compounded with other challenges – dilapidated facilities built decades ago. Cell blocks house 50 to 150 inmates, almost always at least double the planned capacity, where the group has access to one toilet and one waterspout. Inmates will be locked down in this block from 5 pm to 5 am. They sleep on the floors with only a thin blanket between them and the concrete. No beds, no chairs, or furniture of any kind. All the inmate’s earthly goods hang in a grocery-like plastic bag from the cell bars above their place on the floor.

Then, there are also challenges with the justice system. Simple cases can take six years or more to get through the investigation stage and court system. After waiting in prison for years for your case to work through the court system, you may be sentenced to two years for your crime. You usually do not get credit for time served while you awaited the resolution of your case, but you then serve your two-year sentence in addition to the time served. The system hits the poor of society even harder since they can’t afford a lawyer to guide their case through the system. And false prosecutions are just accepted as the norm. So many people’s lives hang in limbo…

As I walk through these facilities, I am often brought to tears by the conditions and situations of the people I meet and shake hands with. I am also thankful that God is at work amid these dark circumstances…

Through Good News Global’s leadership in Nigeria, God has raised up an alliance of passionate believers who boldly bring the light, life, and love of Jesus into the prisons. Our team is in Akwa Ibom State of southern Nigeria and regularly impacts eight regional facilities. What does it take to bring hope to these dark places?

Good Relationships with the Prison Administration.
Not anyone can enter prisons—they must gain the favor and permission of the authorities responsible for the facilities. The fruit of our team’s service was evident. We met with the Controller of Corrections for the entire state and the Deputy Controller of each Correctional Facility we visited.

All these leaders expressed gratitude for Good News Global’s participation in their facilities. They detailed various ways Good News was making a difference. First, we provide humanitarian assistance, including digging wells and providing pumps so inmates can have clean drinking water, providing basic medicines and surgeries, and regularly bringing basic hygiene items.

In addition, they spoke of the effectiveness of Good News Global programs like Trauma Healing and others to bring hope to inmates and assist them in starting a new life. While the Nigerian Correctional Administration’s stated vision includes three “Rs”: Reform, Rehabilitate, and Reintegrate, we know that lasting change comes through Redemption in Christ! Our teams are busy sharing God’s Word and discipling new believers to walk with Jesus for the rest of their days.

Partnerships with local churches.
Collaborating with local churches on the ground is critical to our success. As we toured the region, several churches embraced the vision to reach people affected by incarceration. Their pastors and people regularly visit facilities, give to humanitarian needs, and receive released inmates into their churches.

In one meeting at a local church, a whole section of the church was filled with ex-inmates who came to faith in Christ in prison and were now continuing to serve Him on the outside, participating in the body of Christ. One man spoke of how going to prison changed the direction of his life. He was so grateful for the believers who came to share with him, and now he wants to serve Christ in his community.

Faithful, Consistent Ministry.
In three prisons I visited, we held a graduation ceremony for 74 inmates who had completed the Trauma Healing Program. Through this Bible study, the participants identify pain and hurt in their lives, learn why God allows suffering, and are encouraged to bring their pain to the cross of Christ, where they can experience true healing.

Many of these graduates had recently put their faith in Christ and have begun a new life in Christ. These graduates are a testimony of the faithful, consistent presence of our teams of chaplains and volunteers. This presence of believers, demonstrating and sharing the love of Christ week in and week out, produces fruit for all eternity. What a privilege we have to see God work in this way!

And YOU!
I thank God for raising up Good News Global in Nigeria and providing people like you to support the work. My visit increased my resolve to stand with our teams and share all God is doing with the people involved!! He is shining His light into these incredibly dark places and rescuing many for all eternity!

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